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Phones active from 08:30 am until 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday
Level 5 12 Gilles Street Adelaide 5000
Phone: 08 7100 6100
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Dr Gavin Shepherd
Occupational & Environmental Physician
Dr Gavin Shepherd is an Occupational & Environmental Physician with a particular interest in onsite consulting. He has completed the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Health & Safety through Adelaide University gaining the Australian Safety Institute Medal for Academic Excellence in 2004.
He is currently working fulltime in private practice as a Medical Advisor to industries including mining, abattoirs, manufacturing and transport. Dr Shepherd is willing to also see patients for independent medical opinion and working with GPs for referred patients.

Dr Vasilios (Bill) Panayiaris
Occupational and Environmental Physician
Dr Bill Panayiaris is one of OccmedSolutions experienced Occupational Physicians who is committed to the provision of an injury management service whose focus is functional recovery (that is, a return to work and private live productivity).
Bill’s particular area of interest is rehabilitation and return-to-work outcomes for injured workers and he has the specialty experience and commitment to drive a functional recovery. He has a comprehensive understanding of the issues and complexities surrounding the medical management of patients within the WorkCover SA setting and recognises the importance of a sound understanding of individual employee roles and workplace culture. Communication with and policy development advice to Injury Managers, Rehabilitation Coordinators and OH&S Managers is a large part of Bill’s work and he enjoys this interaction which is pivotal to providing the best outcome for both employer and worker. Bill also values the appropriate involvement of specialist practitioners (ie physiotherapist, psychologist) and works closely with them to assist a worker realise that they are in control of their rehabilitation and that they can significantly influence their outcome.

Dr Zen Yap
Occupational and environmental Physician
Dr Zen Yap is an Occupational Physician who has worked across various industries including shipbuilding, meatworks, healthcare, mining and transport. She enjoys onsite consulting and has experience as a medical advisor for various companies and government agencies. She enjoys working closely with workers to achieve positive outcomes.
Dr Yap completed medical school at the University of Adelaide in 2008. She received a Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety from University of South Australia and won the Award for Academic Excellence from the Safety Institute of Australia in 2017.
In 2021, she was awarded the Ramazzini Prize by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) for best Australasian scientific paper related to occupational and environmental medicine for her research titled – “Social determinants of health and surgical outcomes for chronic lower back pain: A Systematic Review”.

Dr Josh Munn
Occupational and environmental Physician
Originally from southeast South Australia, Dr Josh Munn graduated from Adelaide University in 2000.
After completing residency years at the Royal Adelaide, he joined the Army as a uniformed medical officer, serving in Darwin then Townsville, before leaving for private practice.
He completed specialist Occupational Physician training while in Townsville, and worked in mining, refining, transport and agriculture industries there before moving back to Adelaide in 2014.
He currently does a mixture of treating doctor and medicolegal reportin